Lansmont PDT300 Drop Tester

The PDT 300 utilizes a welded steel drop carriage, guided by precision bearing assemblies on a structural steel guide beam. The drop carriage is raised and lowered by an electric hoist. During the drop test, the drop carriage is accelerated downward, allowing the test item to free fall.

The standard drop carriage will hold test items with a front-to-back dimension up to 41.5 in. (105 cm). Two longer drop carriages are available which increases the front-to-back depth to as much as 118 in. (300 cm). Foundation kits and steel baseplates are available for all three drop carriage sizes.

The PDT 300 handheld controller lets the user safely move the drop carriage up and down, set the drop height, and perform the drop test operation.





Product Datasheet

  • Spring-loaded pulley design helps to accelerate carriage downward, away from test item during a drop sequence. The system is designed and factory-verified to perform extremely accurate, flat drop testing that exceeds industry standards, such as ASTM D5276.

  • Handheld control, allowing for positioning of the drop assembly, triggering of the drop sequence, and resetting of the drop platen.

  • Edge & corner fixture, allowing controlled drop orientations of DUT.

  • Electric hoist, providing automatic positioning of drop assembly with DUT.


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