Qualmark HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Test) and HASS (Highly Accelerated Stress Screen) chamber systems are designed and manufactured by Espec North America specifically to provide the industry with accelerated reliability testing capability.

Qualmark’s Typhoon series is the most energy efficient on the market. Now in its 30th year of production, the technology has matured to provide the extreme stresses necessary to rapidly find design flaws missed by traditional methods.

Qualmark Typhoon 2.5+ HALT Chamber (LN2)

The Qualmark Typhoon 2.5 is the most popular chamber in the Accelerated Stress Test (AST) Industry. Its 30” x 30” vibration table size is optimal for Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) applications as well as many Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS) applications. Designed with Typhoon technology which has the lowest total costs of ownership (TCO), the 2.5 is a multi-tasking system with over 325 produced for rapid ROI in both design and production engineering environments.

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